
Installed in the undergraduate premises of the Faculty of Science and Technology on the Aiguillette campus in Vandoeuvre Les Nancy, the role of the Maison de la Simulation Lorraine is to support the development, consolidation and dissemination of modeling and numerical simulation. in Lorraine. Its field of action is both in the public R&D sphere but also in the private R&D sphere.

To help companies familiarize themselves with supercomputing, test modeling and simulation solutions, or improve their existing ones, the Maison de la Simulation provides technological support: the testing of software solutions for which EXPLOR has a license, testing hardware solutions (eg, scaling up, increasing the size of calculations, etc.), helping to port codes, etc…


Training registration

The Maison de la Simulation Lorraine organizes training, seminars, scientific days and conferences.
For more information, contact us: